聯系 人:
電 話:
廣東 廣州主營業務:
國內回收貿易商主 營:
廢紡織品與廢皮革地 址:
供應:本公司實力雄厚有大量舊衣服,舊鞋,舊包出口非洲各國愿與新老客戶建立良好合作關系;謝謝!祝:生意興隆!Located in Tianhe district, Guangzhou, our company focus on the reclaiming of large quantity of various used clothes such as jeans, casual pants, ,cotta, shorts, shirts, dresses, vests, underwear, bags, curtains, counterpanes and towels, etc. clean, not moist, without fading,70% new. We do not need old style and clothes of the aged. Sell: clothes for exporting with labels and packages such as jeans, sweater, etc. 3-12RMB for one. Buy: used clothes, sweater, white clothes (200mt/month), wiping cloth and denim gloves. We are seeking for good cooperated business partners. Please feel free to contact us!