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東莞市茂騰金屬材料有限公司是一家冷拉鋼,方鋼,圓鋼,熱作模具鋼、冷作模具鋼,鏡面模具鋼,機械用鋼、工具鋼,結構鋼,碳素鋼、中碳鋼,粉末鋼,高速鋼,鎢鋼、硬質合金鋼、鉻鋼,鉻鉬合金鋼,耐熱鋼、不銹鋼,拉力鋼,彈簧鋼,合金工具鋼、軸承鋼、因瓦合金、高溫合金、電工純鐵暢銷消費者市場。 我公司為了滿足廣大用戶的特殊需要,特別引進進口銅材有:無氧銅、紫銅、磷脫氧銅、紅銅、黃銅、鉛黃銅、錫黃銅、鐵黃銅、鋁黃銅、錳黃銅、硅黃銅、鎳黃銅、錫青銅、錫磷青銅、鋁青銅、鈹青銅、鉻青銅、鋯青銅、鉻鋯青銅、鐵青銅、鎳硅青銅、鎘青銅、鎂青銅、硅青銅、鋅白銅、鐵白銅、鋁白銅、錳白銅等50多個系列。常備各種各樣規格:銅材長條、銅管材、銅棒材、銅薄板、銅厚板、銅板材、銅帶材. Foreign trade department: Dongguan Maoteng Metal Co., Ltd. was established in year 2005. We have been exporting a wide range of metal inclusive of stainless steel, aluminium, alloy, copper and many more products to worldwide market like North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia countries. The industries we support cover household, electronic and electrical appliances making, building renovation and decoration, die cast steel application, furniture part, lighting, automotive and many more. By understanding the needs of the international market and industrial application, we are always ready to play our role to support the buyers with proven quality, on time delivery, and competitive cost to earn the market share and establish our capability and reputation. In addition to strengthen our position in the market, we do strive our best to support the scarce metal product or custom made order to assist our customer in their special application. We are always looking forward to building long term supply demand relationship with overseas customer to develop a better product with lower cost and high pace of product revision. Together, we make dreams come true Contact Detail Contact Person: Cheng Contact # : 008613925596264 Telephone: 0086769 81871072 Email add : 3075565702@qq.com Metal Supplied: Carbon structural steel, High carbon steel, mild steel, Carbon tool steel, Medium carbon steel, high strength steel, manganese steel, pring steel, Bearing steel, Cold drawn steel, Cold rolled steel, Hot rolled steel, Die steel, high speed steel, environmental protection steel, Free Cutting Steel, Alloy tool steel, Cast steel, Cold heading steel, Annealed steel, chilled steel, Temper steel, Carburizing steel, forge steel, Cr Mo steel,Mn steel, free machining steel, ESR ,Tensile strength steel, constructional steels ,pure copper, Electrolytic copper, Oxygen free copper, Phosphorus copper, Aluminum bronze, Beryllium bronze, Tin bronze, Phosphor bronze, Silicon bronze, Cast bronze, Cadmium bronze, Chrome bronze , Lead brass (PB- brass), Bismuth brass, Copper zinc alloy, Manganese brass, Aluminum brass, Silicon brass, nickel brass, Tin brass, Cast brass

所在地區:東莞 莞城區

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地區: 東莞 莞城區

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熱門關鍵詞 有色金屬合金 PC模具板材 模具鋁材質 有色金屬鎢金 特種鋼優特鋼 黑色阻燃合金 黑色防火合金 優特鋼 廢金屬處理設備廢鋼破碎機 PCABS黑色塑料合金顆粒 灰色阻燃合金 優特鋼圓鋼 稀有金屬 廢模具鋼材 合金模具鋼材 模具鋼鋼材 瑞典模具鋼材 五金模具鋼材 鋼材模具 上海模具鋼材 h13模具廢鋼材 pp料模具選用什么鋼材 pp料用什么鋼材做模具 模具鋼材料
全國統一服務熱線:0571-5611111 56612345

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