東莞市邦特表面處理材料有限公司 邦特(BONT)成立于2004年,主要從事電子工業用精細化學品、表面處理助劑、貴金屬回收再生助劑及設備的研發、生產、銷售。產品涉及電子電氣(Electron&Electricity)、金屬表面處理(Surface-Treatment Material)、貴金屬回收(Precious Metal Regeneration)、汽車制造等行業。 邦特是同行業中技術和管理的領先者。公司2004到2006年所研發出黃金、白銀再生回收工藝是當今國內最先進的工藝,每年至少為世界增加2.5噸黃金儲備;其相應系列配套產品及設備行銷全世界。同樣,在電子助劑方面,每一個產品都經過千百次的試驗。并通過客戶反復試用,保證每件產品都做到更精細、更完美、更環保、更人性化。 邦特連續三年獲得東莞市工商局“守合同重信用企業”,正努力打造成中國知名品牌,通過多年來嚴謹、精益求精的科學精神,其品牌得到了客戶的充分認可,主要客戶有:東風日產、德昌電機、正泰股份、中國偉翔、東莞珀韻等各行業的龍頭企業。產品目前已遠銷美國(USA)、墨西哥(Mexico)、印尼(Indonesia)、新加坡(Singapore)、日本(Japan)等國家。 2008年成立中子材料工廠和上海分公司,2009年正式成立研發中心,邦特隨著我國產業轉型的步伐,與時俱進,正大踏步朝自主創新型企業、知名品牌企業、集團化轉型。 BONT was established in 2004, mainly engaged in fine chemicals for the electronics industry, surface treatment additives, additives and equipment recycling precious metals research and development, production and sales. Products involving Electron & Electricity, Surface-Treatment Material, precious Precious Metal Regeneration, car manufacturing and other industries. BONT is the industry leader in technology and management. Years 2004 and 2006 the company developed a gold, silver recovery process is the regeneration of the most advanced technology of today, each of at least 2.5 tons of gold reserves in the world; its corresponding series of ancillary products and equipment sold around the world. Similarly, in the electronic aids, each product have been thousands of tests. And through repeated trial customers to ensure that each product be more precise, more perfect, more environmentally friendly, more human. Dongguan City for three consecutive years BONT Business Bureau "Trustworthy Enterprise", is working to create Chinese famous brand to play, through the years rigorous scientific spirit of excellence, its brand recognition by customers of the full, main customers: Dongfeng Nissan, Johnson Electric, Chint shares, Wei Xiang China, Dongguan poyun and so leaders in the industry. Products have been exported to the USA, Mexico, Indonesia ,Singapore,Japan and other countries. Neutron material factory was established in 2008 and Shanghai office, established in 2009 R & D center as China's industrial transformation Bont pace with the times, making great strides towards self-innovative enterprises, famous brands, the Group Ones.